

To generate Cypher code first generate a call tree with java-callgraph. Xou can download it from GitHub: Then feed the output of java-callgraph into java_call_tree::

java -jar javacg-0.1-SNAPSHOT-static.jar <your jar> <optional jars> > output.txt
java_call_tree output.txt > calltree.cypher

Now you can paste the content of calltree.cypher into the Neo4j browser of your database.


First generate a dependency file with JDepend. You can download it from GitHub: Then feed the output into java_dependencies::

java jdepend.xmlui.JDepend -file jdepend_output.txt <path to Java project>
java_dependencies jdepend_output.txt > dependency.cypher

Now paste the content of dependency.cypher into the Neo4j browser to import your dependencies. You can add as many Java projects as you need.


Just point pyython_dependencies to the package you want to analyze::

python_dependencies <some package> > dependencies.cypher

Now paste the content of dependency.cypher into the Neo4j browser to import your dependencies.